Monday, July 4, 2011

Three Days Missing

Oh how quick the time goes. It has been 3 whole days since I last posted. Did you miss reading the brilliant postings here at SAHB? I know I sure did miss posting them. But between working late, Black Op's double XP weekend and our frequent visits to Amanda's mom in the hospital there just haven't been enough hours in the day.

I'm actually posting this from the hospital. We were here most of yesterday and probably will be a good part of today. Her mom is pretty sick from the cancer and now an infection has set in so it's not real good right now. She probably isn't too long for this world.

This is or will probably be the second death in our family since we knew about our baby. My grandpa died in January, right after our baby was created.

I guess things like this will happen more and more as we get older. It is a part of life and all that, but it's definately not the best part of life.

So we're (probably) about to witness the beginning of one life and the end of another all within a short period. Amanda is handling things real well. She is doing whatever she can to help out her sick ol' mom. It will be tough for sure, but we can't do anything about it.

Well uh, happy 4th of July! I hope you're having a better time than we are here. We plan on leaving at some point and going home to cook our steaks Amanda's brother got us yesterday from Wheat Ridge Poultry and Meats. They're some nice looking T-bones and we're super stojed to grill them up.

Ok then, don't blow off your fingers playing with the fireworks. The doctors here say this is a very busy weekend for them because of such things, so don't be one of them. I for one will not be blowing things up (although I would like to) because if I lose my fingers, how will I type this?

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