Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wordly Words

An earlier than usual greetings to you all. (I assume you read this right after it is posted, that's right, right?) We're inching ever closer to the day it happens. Every day the excitement grows, when it stops nobody knows.

I went into our baby's room today for the first time in a week or so. We keep the door closed to keep the cats out so I don't get in there much...yet. But when I was in there I was just day-dreaming about how neat it will be when the little baby moves in.

Amanda's blood glucose levels continue to be at or exceeding their goals so that is nice. One thing I'm finding hard is the fact that where I work there is a lot of food, food with a lot of carbs. The type of food I am avoiding on our current eating plan. It's so tempting but I haven't broke yet.

Well I better be going for now. I will type at you later though. Make sure to patronize all of the sponsors Google has lined up for me if you don't have ad-blockers on. It helps out our baby by making money for me. Pennies at a time but even pennies add up don't they. A'ight then, see ya. 

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