Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Early Morning Testing

Hello there, you know what time it is? It's time for the newest installment of Stay At Home Brad!!! Yay. Are you ready? Good, let's go.

Amanda and I are going out to the hospital in the morning for another round of testing for the gestational diabetes. I guess her score on the last one was borderline for having it.

The last test was what they call a one hour test. The one tomorrow is a three hour test. This means that when we get there she will drink the gross glucose drink. Then one hour later they will draw her blood for testing. Then she drinks it again and waits one more hour, then they draw blood. Then she drinks the drink, waits an hour and they take the blood for testing. You see, they call it a three hour test because it takes three hours. Clever.

[Edit: Although this is what Amanda said would happen, it turned out she only drinks it once. The rest is the same.]

So basically we get to spend three hours or so just sitting around the hospital tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a real good time. Maybe we should bring some cards or something. Or a book. It's been a couple months since I have read a book.

Ok folk, I must be hitting the hay as we're getting up very early for testing. So you have a great night and morning and I hope you get to enjoy your favorite food very soon. Goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the 3 hour GTT... I've failed the 1 hour with all three kids, and had to do the 3 hour each time. Thankfully I've passed every time, but it's no fun! Love reading the blog!
