Monday, June 20, 2011

Baby Photo

In the mornings when I wake, TLC is playing "A Baby Story" and sometimes I catch the last 10 minutes or so. It's fun to see other parents dealing with what we'll be dealing with in a few months, seeing how they handle it and whatnot. Some of the ladies scream real loud! Some of the husbands are such good birth coaches too. I hope our baby just pops right out with no fuss and I can be of some assistance while it's happening. I know I can't do too much, but I can be there to say encouraging words and hold hands and stuff.

I'm also going to have to take some pictures. It'll be fun to see them later. We can laugh at how insane and in pain Amanda looks! LOL. Just kidding, Amanda. You'll look marvelous the whole time. But seriously, I've got to get some pictures of the whole process. I wasn't sure at first if I wanted to, but then I was looking around at some photo books people made and some (at least one) of them were of when a guy's wife had their baby. It was pretty neat and a great keepsake. I can't find it again to link you to it, so bummer.

Another idea I had regarding photos was that I thought it would be pretty awesome if every day I were to take a picture of our baby. At the end of the year I would then put the still photos together into a video showing the changes from day to day over the course of that year. I would do this for as long as I could, preferably for 18 years. Then all the years' videos would be put together and you could look back on her whole life in a matter of minutes. Oh, I found one on YouTube that is little baby Ellora's first 1100 days. Yeah, it'll be just like that one.

Well, we'll see if that all works out. It seems like it would be a hard thing to do. But really, it's just taking one photo a day. That would take what, a minute tops, to make sure her eyes were opened and whatever. I should be able to do it. I will do it, because I want to and it would be fun.

Ok, I've got to be going now. I'll see you all again tomorrow for another exciting chapter of Stay At Home Brad. I hope you have a great day and find a quarter in a parking lot. Bye.

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