Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A General Interest Story

Oh hey again. Things have been going pretty well with Eliza and Amanda and I. We are getting pretty used to the new schedule we have, with getting up all hours of the night and all. It's not all that bad, certainly not as bad as some stories a person hears.

Eliza took a trip back out to the eye doctor the other day, that's why she was wearing sunglasses in the picture. She got her eyes all dilated so they could check for Retinopathy Of Prematurity, ROP if you will. She doesn't have it. Her eyes are a-ok, at least developmentally. Who knows what her vision will be like, most of her family wears glasses so she probably won't escape that fate.

Eliza sure has been all over town since she's been with us. We've been to IKEA, which is freakin' awesome, she's been to Colorado Springs, she's been to Flatirons Crossing mall and tons of other places. She really gets around. She travels real well, we put her in her carseat and she falls asleep almost instantly.

It's pretty cool taking her around, people sure seem to like her. The first thing most people say is that she has so much hair. It's totally true! She does have a great head of hair.

As fun as it is now to take her out, it will be so much more fun later when she can talk and sit up and see stuff. We plan to take as many road trips as we can with her and see all there is to see. We'll be like the Griswalds. 

Ooh, one more thing, Amanda saw this catalog where they will sell you this cool but expensive photo product. So you see, you tell them a name, Eliza for example, and they use things found in nature or architecture or wherever that look like the letters in the name. Like for the letter "A" they might use an A-frame house. They then put all the "letters" in a matted frame to spell the name.

It's swell, but they wanted like $150 for it. So we went out and made our own yesterday. We took the pics anyways, it's not framed or matted yet, but it is gonna work. I'm going to post a photo of what we came up with later tonight if you are interested.

Alright then, I'm over and out for now. Tune in later tonight for more excitement. See ya!

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