This afternoon I set out to put together the daily photos for to make the video. It took too long and o was not able to git r done. Tomorrow perhaps.
Eliza is probably going to see her first snow tomorrow. It is snowing right now, you see. We may take her out in it for a bit tomorrow afternoon. Sometimes I let our cats out in the snow! It is funny!
We have some warm winter clothings for her. We have what you might call some "buntings" or prams or snowsuits. They seems to be called many different things. We tried one on her today and it was so cute and warm seeming. She'll make the most wonderful snow angels someday.
Oh, I heard about this roller derby league that is for kids. Kids starting at age 6. Amanda and I think it'd be pretty cool if Eliza was a roller derby girl. That is if she wants to be one. We will have to watch the movie Whip It many times to plant the proverbial seed.
Well I better be done now. I don't want to waste all this Grade A material all in one posting. I hope you have a great day and stay out of trouble!
Finally got the video made. See it here.